Robin Blackburn

Robin Blackburn (born 1940) is a British socialist historian, a former editor of New Left Review (1981-99), an author of essays on Marx, capitalism and socialism, and of books on the history of slavery and on social policy. His most celebrated works, The Making of New World Slavery: from the Baroque to the Modern, 1492-1800 (1997) and The Overthrow of Colonial Slavery, 1776-1848 (1988) offer an account of the rise and fall of colonial slavery in the Americas, contributing to the emerging field of 'Atlantic history'. Blackburn has also published critiques of the 'financialisation of everyday life' and of the privatization of pension provision. He was educated at Oxford and the LSE. A former member of the International Marxist Group, he is currently Professor of Sociology at Essex University and between 2001 and 2009 has been Distinguished Visiting Professor of Historical Studies at The New School in New York City. He has been a regular contributor to New Left Review since 1962.

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